Episode 2
In the meantime, I was sure people thought we will not give up like that. Even many got hurts and the situation would be even severer, people still want to show our rage.
Although we thought we need to be more careful about the way of arranging the event. So that was the reason why the protest on 17th October were not officially announced in the early morning like they used to. That was quite wise and new, they officially announced where to go only 1-2 hour before the movement.
At 12.00, the protester group named “Free Youth” announced on their webpage to let people gather at any sky train or subway around 3 P.M. They did not even announce which station to go. It made the government confused so they do not know where exactly to transfer the police to control. Government closed some major stations includes Asoke, Chid Lom, Phaya Thai or Siam anyways. Before 3 P.M., government had decided to close every station to prevent it furthermore. For those who did not know what was going on that day, people might wondered or scared about the situation.
At 3 P.M., “Free Youth” also announced again where to the movement going to be. Though this time, they divided in 3 places Ha Yaek Lat Phrao, Udom Suk, and Wong Wian Yai. At first we thought it might be not that many people gather since they divided in few groups but then undoubtedly, I knew I was wrong. There were even more people than the day before especially at Ha Yaek Lad Phrao. People went there without knowing what they are going to do, they just gathered to show that even you tried to stop us, we will not stop making voice anymore and not give up until you would listen to us. If you never been to Ha Yaek Lat Phrao, you would not know how magnificent it was with full of people on the large road. No leaders, no stage, no amplifier, there was nothing but just PEOPLE.
We know that this is still a long way to go as the government also would not give up easily for their benefits. Still we expect these steps make a little closer to what we are hoping for.
エピソード 2
あの日は正午にFree Youthという名のデモ集団が3時に駅に集まるようにweb上でアナウンスしましたが、その時点ではどの駅かについての情報は伏せられたままでした。制御するためにどこに警察部隊を送るか指示を出すことも出来ず、政府も相当焦ったのではと思います。これによって政府はバンコク市内の主要駅 (アソーク、チットロム、パヤタイ、シーロムなど) をクローズしました。さらに3時前になって全ての駅を閉鎖したのです。事態を把握していない人にとってあの日は一体何が起こっているのか不安になったと思います。
同刻、Free Youthもどこで開催するのかアナウンスしました。開催場所は3つの場所 (Ha Yaek Lat Phrao, Udom Suk, Wong Wian Yai) に分けられていたのでそこまで多くの人は集まれないだろうなと想定されたのですが、想像とは裏腹に以前よりも遥かに多くの人々が、特にHa Yaek Lat Phraoに集結したのです。そこで何が起こるのかも知らぬままに集まった人々の目的は一つ、どんなに対抗されても要求をのむまで諦めないという姿勢を見せることです。
もしHa Yaek Lat Phraoに行ったことがあるのであればあの巨大な道が本当に沢山の人々で溢れていた圧倒されるほどの景色を想像できるでしょうか。リーダーもいなければステージもなく、マイクもなく、そこにいたのは本当に多くの人だけでした。みすみす自分たちの利益を葬るわけのない政府もそう簡単に諦めないと知っているので、まだまだ先が長いことは分かっています。ただ、少しでも私たちの望む方向に進んでいるという期待を胸に闘いは続いていくでしょう。
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