5TH Member




RATIMA ROONGANANCHAI – Associate Human Resource Consultant

Q1. What is your background ? (University etc.)


For 12 years I was in Saint Joseph Convent School, one of the most famous all-girl school in Thailand. After that, I studied for 4 years studied in Japan, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU), in the department of Asia pacific social studies majoring in Culture, Media, Society. Also I started my first career as an Associate Human Resources Consultant in Fifth Consulting Placement Co., ltd.

小学校から高校まで、バンコクで一番有名な女子校の一つであるSaint Joseph Convent Schoolに通っていました。その後、立命館アジア太平洋大学でAsia pacific social studies majoring in Culture, Media, Societyを専攻し日本で大学生活を4年間過ごしました。大学卒業後、2019年の5月からFifth Consultingに新卒で入社しAssociate HR Consultantとして働いています。


Q2. About your Job hunting/ 就職活動について

Why did you choose 5th consulting?

どうして5th Consultingに入社することを決めたのですか

I am interested in this field since I was around 3rd year of university, I love working with people and able to tell what is good for a person individually. Until Maria san CEO of Fifth Consulting Co., Ltd. contacted to me for the position in her company. So I started to talk to her and decided to join.


Is there any worries before starting the job?(culture, language etc.)


Probably the only concern is the real business world. Since I am a fresh graduated student joining the first job as a consultant, dealing with the experts must be tough. However, a fresh graduate student is not an excuse for not being a professional worker. Therefore, whatever happens happen, I did not concern much about my job since I know that I will be able to adapt myself professionally.



Q3. About Present Job/ 現在のお仕事について

What is your
responsibility in 5th?

Basically everything. Every process of recruitment starting from searching for new client until getting the placement, admin task dealing with the Labor Department, training for the newbies, translating documents and other tasks as assigned.


What is interesting / hard thing in your job?

Interesting thigs : I get to know a lot of people every day through interviewing and always keeping in touch with them for the follow services or the future opportunities. Plus, learning about the consulting field using psychological tests is very interesting since I can also improve myself alongside with the growth of the company.         


Hardest things : when workload meets the people’s negative attitude and learning by yourselves is a nightmare.


Is there any client/candidate story made you improve a lot?


I learned a lot from the most recent project, the Capability Analysis for our client company. Discussing and understanding their needs while learning how to analyze all the data within 2 weeks.

 一番最近のCapability Analysisというプロジェクトから多くを学びました。お客さんと打ち合わせを重ねながら彼らのニーズを理解し、またどのようにデータを分析してニーズに適したソリューションを提供するのかをこの2週間で学びました。 


Q4. Do you have any roles you would like to take in 5th?


In the near future, I would like to do the consultation all by myself and train other staffs to be a quality people who are utilizing their strengths in their working.



What is important thing to enter 5th consulting?

5th Consultingに入社する際に重要なことは何ですか?

I am not concern at all about the performance of the person. What I am looking for is the ‘teammate’, the person who is happy to be with us, willing to help others with responsibility and has a kind-hearted.
